亚太地区(APAC)家居乐博彩票官方app的零售价值达到173美元.预计到2025年将增长到2660亿美元以上 欧睿国际. 最大的子类别, 室内家具, 价值将超过1020亿美元, accounting for over 58% of the total market. The total APAC market is still very fragmented, with market share of the top three players, 宜得利, 宜家和昕诺飞, all holding below six per cent each. But an increase in demand in APAC is expected with a growing middle class and many young adults establishing their first homes.

乐博彩票官方app商业 have identified five key market and design trends in APAC that Swedish companies should consider:

  • 电子商务正在兴起,但实体店仍然很重要
  • Multi-functional and minimalistic solutions
  • Sustainable materials and healthy homes
  • 斯堪的纳维亚的设计在上升
  • Re-open office spaces and new ways of working

As the pandemic required people to minimise face-to-face interactions and in-person shopping, eCommerce played an increasingly significant role and share in sales and distribution models within the APAC home furnishing market. This is expected to continue post-pandemic, 尽管公司需要针对每个国家采取不同的策略. 实体店, 并且将会是, embraced as the first point of contact where customers experience products and get the “look and feel”, 而电子商务是可以找到有竞争力的价格的地方. This dual offering means there is a greater need for differentiation in customer services.

Multi-functional and minimalistic solutions

For many urban dwellers in APAC cities, upsizing to a larger home is not possible, so they need to have smart and functional home interiors so their homes can meet the demands of multi-purpose use. 多功能家具, 比如折叠桌, 多用表, 现代沙发床, 室外家具具有室内家具的功能性, 有几个例子. Multi-functional and transformer furniture is forecast to increase in sales in the coming years, and there is an opportunity for brands to ride this wave is if they can change the stereotypical and outdated view that transformer furniture is not durable and convenient.

Sustainable materials and healthy homes

可持续性是大流行后的全球趋势, 健康家居和可持续材料将成为亚太地区消费者的关键. 这一趋势表明,人们将对绿色环保产品产生更大的兴趣, with consumers showing signs of becoming more conscious about the 可持续性 of products rather than just prices. Across APAC, there has also been an increase in awareness about sanitation, cleanliness, and hygiene. This will increase the demand for anti-bacterial or low or no VOC (Volatile organic compounds) emissions materials. 例如, 与乙烯基地板相比,消费者更喜欢硬木地板, cotton fabrics over polyester for curtains, 甚至还有具有空气净化能力的植物.


亚太地区的消费者总体上非常欣赏北欧的家具和风格. 宜家是该地区知名的家居装饰品牌之一, providing Swedish design and materials. Scandinavian style is often associated with minimalism and this is aligned with many traditional APAC styles and preferences. 日本di, a design trend with a mix of 日本ese and Scandinavian style is one example of how local adaption has taken roots. 欧洲和北欧的“Cottage Core”也很受欢迎, 在城市环境中融入乡村风情. 除了, 也出现了一些小型的北欧设计商店, 提供以舒适艺术为灵感的家具和装饰品.

Re-open office spaces and new ways of working

The pandemic naturally saw a rise in home office furniture purchases in APAC but this is now slowing down and there is expected to be an ongoing drop in demand over the coming years as Asia opens up and establishes ’a new normal’. Asia is expected to follow a different path to 欧洲 with a return to full-time office-based work predicted to be the norm. With a revival of going back to office, there will be new demands for office furniture and office spaces to suit a post-pandemic workplace. Privacy furniture and possibilities to keep up with the “digi-physical” way of working will be necessary. 新冠疫情后的办公室需要保持注意力的平衡, 协作, and well-being focus as well as sanitation measures to reclaim itself as an essential place for employees, 客户, 与游客安全连接.

  1. Choose your partner, don’t get chosen: 大流行表明,寻找一个好的伙伴越来越重要. 过去的一年, local APAC players have teamed up with foreign companies to innovate and create both new products and services. 乐博彩票官方app商业 can help identify and connect with suitable local partners and support your endeavour with local market knowledge and networks.  
  2. 了解亚太地区独特的销售和分销模式; 电子商务已经成为并将继续成为亚太地区重要的销售渠道, 实体店在吸引顾客方面仍然发挥着关键作用. 乐博彩票官方app商业 can help you identify the best models and establish local offices with our BI&O服务.
  3. Know selling and importing regulations: 法规和建议,如安全标志,在亚太地区各国各不相同. 乐博彩票官方app商业 can deep-dive into specific market conditions to ensure Swedish companies know and can meet the local regulations. 我们的出口专业人员, both in 乐博彩票官方app and our local Asian offices, 有深入的知识,可以帮助乐博彩票官方app公司调整他们的战略.

开始您的亚太之旅或扩大您在该地区的业务, 我们在该地区的团队可以提供帮助——乐博彩票官方app的团队进行乐博彩票官方app分析, 当地合作伙伴建立建议, 和BI&O服务.