The 2022 survey shows that Swedish affiliated companies continue to be strongly committed to the 马来西亚n market and are increasingly optimistic about the economic outlook for the future. A total of 80 per cent of Swedish companies expect turnover to increase either slightly or significantly in the coming 12 months. 5%的公司预计将实现盈亏平衡, 而只有12%的人预计会有轻微或显著的下降. 54 per cent of Swedish companies in 马来西亚 expect to slightly or significantly increase their investments in the coming 12 months. A significant increase compared to the previous Business Climate Survey measuring the year 2019.
获得良好的当地合作伙伴, 分销商 and suppliers remain a key aspect for Swedish business in 马来西亚. 在这次商业环境调查中, 分销商, 服务提供商和供应商的排名也相对较高. This indicates that most Swedish companies operating in 马来西亚 are rather satisfied with the local partnerships they have established.
调查对象来自各行各业. 工业企业是最大的行业,占47%, which is expected given 马来西亚’s strength as a manufacturing hub in Asia, 其次是专业服务, 哪个占38%, 消费类企业占16%. 在回应的公司中, 53%的人经验丰富, 32%的人被认为是成熟的,16%的人是新人.
Looking further ahead we can conclude that there is great optimism for the future, and there are vast opportunities in 马来西亚 for Swedish companies with a unique value offering, 良好的伙伴关系, 并在当地开展业务.
Please download the report to fully overview the results with a detailed analysis.
The purpose of this Business Climate Survey is to showcase how Swedish companies perceive the overall market conditions are in 马来西亚 as well as opportunities and challenges present. 同时, this report aims to highlight the trade and commercial relationship between 马来西亚 and 乐博彩票官方app.
The 马来西亚 survey was opened for responses during June to July and interviews were also conducted during this period to study how Swedish companies performed in 2021 as well as their expectations for 2022 and onwards. By 2022, 大约有80家乐博彩票官方app公司在马来西亚经营, 51%的企业选择参加本次商业环境调查.
代表乐博彩票官方app队在马来西亚, we would like to once again thank all of the participating companies and respondents which have contributed to this report!